About Hermit.cc

Hundreds of visitors from scores of countries around the world drop by hermit.cc every day.

Mostly they come for the Hermit Computer Information Technology library and Hermit's extensive collection of maintenance and repair info on classic Triumph 650 motorcycles.

Hermit.cc is also home to the Pipeline Blues, a case study of how big energy companies and government regulators (is there a difference?) steamroll over landowners affected by their obsolete energy projects.

To round things out there's Divertessments, which includes the Hermit collection of humorous quotations and stories, and indexed links to Canadian and US political news and commentary.

Hermit.cc's secure connection (secure connection) means that browser communications are encrypted, authenticated, and protected from third party modification or corruption. Along with daily website malware scans it means you can browse https://hermit.cc safely and securely.

Hermit.cc is best viewed on a desktop or laptop personal computer with a decent sized monitor, but if you insist on looking at it on an itty-bitty screen the size of a can of sardines, I'm trying the best I can to accommodate you.

I hope you enjoy your visit to Hermit.cc!

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Hermit.cc - a Liberated Cyberzone
No Smiley Virus
No Who Got Their Ass Tattooed
No NSA Downloads
No Crack-heads
No GoogleAds
No Fake News
No Money Down

The Hermit's Lament
I'd like to complain more but I can't find the time