The Hermit Hermit's Free Library  Computer Networking

This article lists the commands or methods to discover the MAC address of network cards under various operating systems.

Finding a Network Card's MAC Address

Windows 95/98

Run the command: winipcfg
MAC address appears in "Adapter Address" section.

Windows NT4 and Windows 2000/XP/7/8

Start a command prompt and run the command: ipconfig /all
The MAC address is in the "Physical Address" section.

Linux and Unix

Run the command: /sbin/ifconfig -a.
The card's MAC address is the value after the word Ether, HWaddr, or Address.

Macintosh Machines

On the Apple menu, select Control Panels.
Open the MacTCP panel
There are two options: EtherTalk and EtherNet. Press the Option key and click on EtherNet to display the card's MAC address.